Financial Management & Capability

Financial Management and Budget: The organization forecast budget in the beginning of each fiscal year (July-June) CWF is financially capable to run any type of project. We maintain strong financial and accounts system with full of accountability and responsibly. As we are doing like those good practice and we have local donors as well as well-wishers, as we are local organization so we got supports at all emergency from these friends but we operate our projects and program as per grant allocation. We maintain accounts very carefully and we used to conduct our external audit yearly project wise and organization wise. We don’t transact without invoice. Our accounts system is very smooth and open. Our finance and accounts are very accountable, liable, responsible and sustainable also.

Financial Reporting & Audit: The reporting system and its tools are as follows:

  • Cash book, ledger book (Project wise)
  • Receipt and Payment vouchers
  • Income and Expenditure Statement
  • Receipt and Payment Account
  • Generate financial report on monthly, quarterly and yearly basis

CWF has its own audit cell headed by an Audit Officer. The audit cell is responsible to audit all sorts of expenditure of different program/projects on regular basis. Further, it also audits the accounts expenditure of the organization’s head office. The audit cell make the reports based on audit findings and submitted it to the management. Besides, the donor should have free access to audit any part or each of the project cost. Further, all the expenditure of the organization is audited annually appointing the qualified registered charter accounting firms appointed by the EC. Likewise, the accounts expenditure of the program/projects are also audited annually at the end of the completion of the project, appointing the audit firms. Audit reports prepared by the Govt. / Approved Chartered Accounts Company.

Financial Controlling, Payment System; etc.:

  • Executive Committee Member’s used to approve the total financial budget at the beginning of every project year.
  • According to every project its budget, costing and events are calculated as per project activities.
  • A cash flow chart is developed by the project month wise.
  • The vouchers and bills are attached with organizational receipt and payment vouchers.
  • At the end of every account day the project Account shows the Income and Expenditure chart to the Executive Director for checking and understanding real picture.
  • If any discrepancy in the accounts it is pin-pointed by the director and after being made it crystal transparent and start again for normal activities.
  •  Without any bill vouchers against any cost as per the activity Director do not approved it. Any payment is not being made without permission or approval of the Executive Director.
  • Any bill-voucher is approved without the sign and seal of the Executive Director.
  • Accountant is responsible to the ED against one Taka of any cost and in all account.

Financial Strength of the Organization:

     The organization forecast budget in the beginning of each fiscal year (July-June) Organizationis financially capable to run any type of project. We maintain strong financial and accounts system with full of accountability and responsibly. As we are doing like those good practice and we have local donors as well as well-wishers, as we are local organization so we got supports at all emergency from these friends but we operate our projects and program as per grant allocation. We maintain accounts very carefully and we used to conduct our external audit yearly project wise and organization wise. We don’t transact without invoice. Our accounts system is very smooth and open. Our finance and accounts are very accountable, liable, responsible and sustainable too.

     The summary of financial statement of last three years;

DescriptionFiscal Year (2020-2021)Fiscal Year (2019-2020)Fiscal Year (2018-2019)Average Annual Turnover
Turnover (BDT)13,635,117.8518,240,314.0720,435,258.0017,436,896.64