Development Projects at a Glance:

The organization is continuing its performance with the support from different GOES and NGO development partners in implementing different program/projects. List of Development Projects of CWF are present in the table below:


Project Title

Description of Service


Starting Date

Completion Date

Total Funding (BDT)

Population Coverage

Project Location


Eradication of Hazardous Child Labour in Bangladesh (4th Phase)

The Ministry of Labour and Employment implemented a USAID funded project that aimed at Eradication of Hazardous Child Labour in Bangladesh. The project focuses on children working in hazardous occupations under the most intolerable conditions ranging from exposure to chemicals and other harmful substances as well as being subject to long, difficult working hours. Areas in Dhaka and Chittagong Municipal Corporations will include imparting non-formal education and skills training for working children along with providing micro credit support for their guardians/parents. It aims to remove 30,000 children from the selected 47 hazardous occupations in Bangladesh and preventing younger siblings from entering into child labour to provide an increased understanding of the worst forms of child labour. These actions are to contribute to the systematic prevention and elimination of the worst forms of child labour

Ministry of Labour and Employment & USAID


December 2022





Khulna City Corporation


Accessing Improved Shelter Renovation & Autistic Children’s Health Program

The main purpose of the project is provision of primary Health Care Services and renovation of the living arrangements of ultra-poor autism population residing at different camps.

The objectives are as follow:

a)       Increase awareness among poor and disadvantage autism population in different issues

b)       Creating employment opportunities for poor autism population

c)       Providing different need based training for employment and self-employment

d)       Providing financial assistance for repairing house

e)       Engage direct and indirect beneficiaries by disseminating information on the best examples being created through project implementation

Forgotten People Organization (FPO), USA

January 2021

December 2021


300 Households and 300 Disable Population

Sayedpur Sadar, Nilfamari District under Rangpur Division


Farmer Training on Post-harvest and Primary Processing

The main goal of the project is to contribute to Bangladesh’s agriculture smallholders’ responsiveness and competitiveness in high value crops (HVC) production and marketing of fresh and/or processed products. Apart from this, the project also focused to increase the farmers’ income and livelihood through demand-led productivity growth, diversification, and marketing in a changing climatic condition. The objective of the training is to enrich the knowledge level of farmers skill on post-harvest and primary processing of HVCs

IFAD/ Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM)

April 2021

June 2021



Pathorghata Upazilla, Barguna


Farmer Training on Business Management Skills

The main goal of the project is to contribute to Bangladesh’s agriculture smallholders’ responsiveness and competitiveness in high value crops (HVC) production and marketing of fresh and/or processed products. The objective is to increase farmer income and livelihood through demand-led productivity growth, diversification, and marketing in a changing climatic condition. The objective of the training is to enrich the knowledge level of farmers on business management skill

IFAD/ Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM)

March 2021

June 2021



Pathorghata Upazilla, Barguna


Poverty Alleviation, Nutrition & Population Control Project

Good health, nutrition, and reproductive health and effective health services are critical links in the chain of events that allow countries to break out of the vicious circle of poverty, high fertility, poor health, and low economic growth, replacing this with a virtuous circle of greater productivity, low fertility, better health, and rising incomes. The objective of this project is to aware the people especially poor and illiterate people about nutrition and family planning and support them with various population control means, so that they can run their family smoothly with their limited resources

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW)

April 2021

June 2021



Khulna City Corporation


Cash and Food Support to listed Disable Population during COVID Pandemic

The main purpose of this initiative is to provide cash support and emergency food support to the listed 140 disable population at 8 wards of Khulna City Corporation. The amount for these support has been initiated by CWF through individual donation

Local Donor Fund

July 2020

January 2021



Ward # 18, 19, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30 & 31 of Khulna City Corporation


Farmer Training on Business Management Skills

The main goal of the project is to contribute to Bangladesh’s agriculture smallholders’ responsiveness and competitiveness in high value crops (HVC) production and marketing of fresh and/or processed products. The objective is to increase farmer income and livelihood through demand-led productivity growth, diversification, and marketing in a changing climatic condition. The objective of the training is to enrich the knowledge level of farmers on business management skill

IFAD/ Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM)

January 2020

June 2020



Taltoli Upazila, Borguna


Accessing Food Facilities among Poor Household in the slum of Adamjee Camp

The partner organization had carried out the Qurbani 2020 program and distributed meat as charity food to impoverish and needy Muslim families. CFW had distributed 3500 Qurbani units to 3500 individuals on behalf of FORGOTTEN PEOPLE ORGANIZATION (PFO), USA donors to poor Muslim communities and provided fresh meat of Qurbani to poor beneficiaries to celebrate Eid Al Adha


July 2020

July 2020



Adamji Bihari Camp, Naryanganj


Working Lactating Mother Assistance Fund and Maternity Allowance Program for Poor Lactating Mothers


These programmes have been undertaken to provide financial support to working lactating mothers in urban areas. The programmes facilitate comprehensive health care for pregnant women, lactating mothers, adequate nourishment and development of foetus and newly-born children. Maternal Voucher Scheme was introduced with a view to ameliorating miseries of pregnant women in rural areas. Maternity allowance has been introduced to address the challenges faced by poor pregnant women in urban areas. This addresses the demands for nutrition of the mother and child during pregnancy and immediately after child birth. This assistance is given to poor mothers and newly-born babies simultaneously.

This project is designed to provide a clean, private and comfortable facility for lactating mothers who want to continue breastfeeding while at the work place, or to express their milk. The Working Lactating Mother fund activities is being operated in Bangladesh in order to provide financial support for their health during pregnancy and full development of their unborn babies in the urban areas. The aim of this project is to influence mother for breast feeding and/or bottle initiation rates, as well as breastfeeding duration

Ministry of Women and Child Affairs (MOWCA)

December 2018

June 2020



Khulna City Corporation, Daudkandi, Comilla; Madhobpur, Hobiganj


Empowering Marginalized Communities due to Climate Change

This is worldwide known about the vulnerability of Bangladesh due to climate change and negative impact. The effects of climate change also have specific implications for women and particular challenge of income opportunity. Differences in social and economic roles and responsibilities exacerbate the vulnerability of women, migrants, youth and people in poverty and with disabilities. The main objective of the project is empowering the affected people through Cash for Work by constructing earthen road and damaged dam. Besides that CWF implemented different meeting, seminar and awareness program for preparedness and adaptation strategy. Though it is very difficult to recover all the effects of environmental and natural disasters. However the project investment was adaptation infrastructure is likely to have positive effects on employment and to reduce climate-related risks.

Society for People’s Action in Change & Equity (SPACE)

 July 2018

 June 2019



Koyra Upazila of Khulna and Shyamnagor Upazila of Satkhira


Support and Inclusion of Peoples with Disabilities

Through the special project CWF well addressed the human rights to the disable people in the targeted areas of Khulna City Corporation. Disable people are always excluded and neglected in society and they are most deprived. But disabled people have the rights to enjoy human rights, have the right support to live with dignity in the modern society. The project mainly aims to ensure human rights based on principles of dignity, autonomy, equality and respect. Under the actions CWF performed very strategically to establish their rights in the society through taking some shorts of events in collaboration with Government and local institutes that work with excluded people. The project is also supported for social counseling, providing moving materials as per need. Special care was taken for the physically disable and addressed all kinds of health care services during the project life.   

Community Partners International


July 2018

June 2019



Khulna City Corporation (Ward no-18,19,24, 26, 27, 28, 30 & 31)


Qurbani Meet Distribution Among the Poor

As the poor community always being deprived and sufferers of various health hazards due to nutrition deficiency. The poor people had an opportunity to get meet during Quarbani Sacrifice. The individual donor had extended his sacrifice and carried out the Qurbani Festival through donation as charity and nutrition food among the destitute and needy Muslim families. CFW arranged all necessary actions for successful   distribution meet among 1800 individuals on behalf of respective donor to celebrate Eid- Ul-Adha in the poor communities. Through the great sacrifice the poor communities become very happy and able to share their Qurbani Festival joys with others.

Individual Donor,

N. S Enterprise


July 2018

July 2018



Pathorghata and Bamona Upazila of Borgana District


Emergence Response due to Cold Wave

In the context of disaster cold wave is deadly a natural hazard. Cold waves are more dangerous because of a build-up in the susceptible pool or a lack of preparedness for extreme poor. During cold wave most of vulnerable people suffers as they are not able to buy warm clothes and it’s a natural disaster for them. Floating people and slum-dwellers do not afford the luxury of pining for a bone-jerking winter. Especially the children and oldest people are affected.  This year’s sudden arrival of the winter has come as a bane to people of low-income group. In these circumstances CWF distributed warm clothes and blanket among the suffering with the donation. As a result the poor people reduced the suffering from cold wave by having warm clothes.

Individual Donor

December 2018

January 2019



Slum area of Khulna city corporation and Gopalganj district. 


Awareness Program on Health and Nutrition

Food security is an important indicator of poverty status and therefore an objective of development interventions. Without appropriate understanding about health and nutrition community cannot consider of the availability and quality of other sources of food. Food security does not relate solely to quantity of food, but also to nutrition and health. On the other hand a healthy diet throughout life promotes healthy pregnancy outcomes, supports normal growth, development reduces the risk of chronic disease leading to overall health and well-being. Through this event CWF implemented the Nutritional awareness session on given importance to eating balanced meals of little importance. 

Nibedita Cultural Program

October 2019

October 2019



Khulna City Corporation (Ward # 1,3,17,22 & 23)


COVID-19 Health Awareness and Materials Distribution

Due to the sudden emergence of the novel coronavirus as a worldwide pandemic situation. CWF was also taken the initiative for public’s awareness about COVID-19. In the light of lacking consistent effective treatment, the best way to deal with the highly infective virus is by mitigating the spread of the virus. Several precautionary measurements are recommended to control the COVID-19 spread. Such recommendations include frequent hand washing, wearing a face mask, self-isolation and social distancing including materials distribution among the poor community.

Chinnomul Manob Kallayan Society (CMKS)

June 2020

July 2020



18 no Ward of Khulna City Corporation


Health Awareness and Livestock Training

Health awareness and Income Generating Activities (IGA) skill trainings are main substances of social development for the marginal people. Under this grant from the SARC, CWF organized awareness program on primary health care for the target community. Along with this targeted poor people received IGA training on livestock rearing. As a result the most of them increased their knowledge and skill on mentioned livelihood and IGA trainings.

Social Advancement and Rehabilitation Center (SARC)

April 2020

April 2020



Nehalpur-Kesobpur, Jessore


Health Awareness and Livestock Training

Health awareness and skill trainings are major contents of development activities for the marginal people. Under this grant from the MNUS, CWF successfully completed awareness program on primary health care for the target community. Along with this targeted poor people received Income Generating Activities (IGA) training on livestock rearing. As a result the most of them increased their knowledge and skill on mentioned livelihood IGA trainings.

Maumache Nari Unnnayan Sangstha (MNUS)

April 2020

April 2020



Deapara, Kalibari Bazar, Moheserpasa- Khulna


Capacity Buildup on Science and Technology

Bangladesh Government initiated to development of science knowledge and expansion of more technology for the development sectors. In align with grant objectives CWF organized and completed different workshop, seminar and meeting with the target groups. Specially the youth people. Through these activities people become more interested to acquire more knowledge in in science and different technology so that, development sector can go sustainable production that can contribute in the national development.

Science and Technology

January 2020

 January 2020



Nehalpur, Monirampur-Jashor


Awareness Program on Arsenic and WASH

Due to geographically context some places in Bangladesh ground water is Arsenic contamination. As still illiteracy high rate and lack of proper information in community level, the arsenic problem is still a serious crisis at certain rural areas of Bangladesh. It is believed by many rural communities that Arsenic poisoning and due to lack of WASH practices are curses of natural and water born disease. To increase the awareness level CWF implemented some activities in the target communities about Arsenic and WASH practices.  In most cases the affected people and families are so poor that they cannot even afford to acquire adequate medicines or nutritious food. The objective of this project is to improve understanding of the arsenic and WASH problem among the extreme poor. However from this, the project’s aim is to mitigate the health hazards cause by arsenic and poor knowledge on hygiene practices through an integrated approach in community towards awareness, and preventive measures. 

World Peace And Cultural Program (WPCP)

July 2019

 June 2020



Fultala and Dumaria Upazila of Khulna, Ashasuni of Satkhira


Revenue Sharing and Fund Raising Initiative

Through this corporate opportunity with Robi Axiata one of the largest Mobile Operator, CWF took the initiative for fund raising by providing marketing and sales services. The Organization used the communication skill nicely among the community. Special reduced offer was given for the CWF mobilized communities by selling SIM and net package.  

Robi Axiata Limited, Robi Corporate Office

October 2020

March 2021



Khulna City Corporation


Mass Communication Campaign in Hard to reach Areas (Services-2)

The project has been implemented for advertising & publicity of mass communication campaign in hard-to-reach areas in order to disseminate the services of community clinic to all populations residing at 70 upazillas under 26 districts of 8 divisions in Bangladesh. The organization under management and assistance of CBHC, DGHS and CMKS further provided leaflet and handbills regarding different services of Community Clinic activities in order to aware them about its services and also create a pathway to seek services from Community Clinics through mass communication campaign


April 2018

April 2018



70 Upazillas under Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat, Jessore, Narail, Pirozpur, Jhalokathi, Barguna, Patuakhali, Manikganj, Rajbari, Narsindhi, Gopalganj, Netrokhona, Rajshahi, Naogaon, Sirajganj, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Thakurgaon, Lamonirhat, Panchagarh, Sylhet, Sunamganj, Bandarban & Khagrachori Districts


Capacity Development and Income Generation Support for the  CBOs

Most of the grassroots CBOs have been formed to attain instant benefits announced. The aim of this project is to strengthen the management and leadership capacity and ensures women active involvement in decision making process in the CBO’s as well as in their families

Own Fund

October 2016

Till to date


28 CBOs (1,260 women)

Khulna & Borguna Districts


Climate Change Adaptability and Resettlement Project

The objective of the project is to develop and demonstrate approaches that would enable the targeted communities to adapt the potential impacts of vulnerability due to climate change. Through this project the communities come back to normal life and resettle their livelihoods occupations by strengthening existing institutional frameworks. The Project also enhanced climate change adaptation mechanisms and followed the demographic governance of natural resources management. Apart from this, during implementation there is special focus on women rights and gender equality. Accordingly resilience and climate justice disabled persons were addressed as cross-cutting issues

ACR Bangladesh

July 2018

June 2019



Dacope, Paikgachha & Koyra Upazila in Khulna Dist.; and Shamnagor & Ashasuni, Upazila in Satkhira District


Motor Driving,  Servicing & Repair (IGA) Training for Young Women

The aim of this project is to improve the livelihood of women and girls in the Khulna city corporation as well as empower them socially and economically by providing both theoretical and practical knowledge on motor driving, servicing & repairing

Bioscope/ Ministry of Women & Children Affairs (MOWCA)

March 2018

February 2021



Khulna City Corporation, Khulna


Computer, Servicing & Repair  (IGA) Training for Young Women

The aim of this project is to improve the livelihood of women and girls in the Khulna city corporation as well as empower them socially and economically by providing both theoretical and practical knowledge on computer and mobile servicing & repairing

Bioscope/ Ministry of Women & Children Affairs


April  2018

February 2021



Khulna City Corporation, Khulna


Mobile Servicing & Repair (IGA) Training for Young Women

The aim of this project is to improve the livelihood of women and girls in the Khulna city corporation as well as empower them socially and economically by providing both theoretical and practical knowledge on mobile servicing & repairing

Bioscope/ Ministry of Women & Children Affairs


April  2018

February 2021



Khulna City Corporation, Khulna


Maternal Allowance imbursement for Poor Mother

Rural Development Academy (RDA) have made an in-depth study on “Maternity Allowance Program”, the reports reveal that “Maternity Allowance Program” plays a supporting role in reducing the risk of pregnant mothers and new born babies in the rural areas. Government of Bangladesh has introduced G2P payment system in disbursing these allowances in the selected upazilas. The aim of this project is to determine factors influencing feeding decisions, breastfeeding and/or bottle initiation rates, as well as breastfeeding period

Ministry of Women & Children Affairs (MOWCA)

October 2015

June 2017



Baitiagata Upazila, Khulna


Chemical Free Agriculture Project

To ensure food security and safe food for Bangladesh’s large and growing population requires an intensification of agriculture which will be difficult to achieve in future since the countryside is so densely populated. Supporting Government policy, CWF runs an effective extension model based on organic way of agricultural production to spread improved ideas, methods and inputs and so raise outputs and incomes as well as public health safety. The main objective of the project is to provide knowledge and technology to the farmers for harvesting chemical free organic agricultural crops including compost fertilizers production and distribution to farmers


January 2010

December 2019





19 Upazila Under Khulna, Satkhira, Jhalakathi & Borguna District.


Non-Formal Primary Education (NFPE)

The main purpose of the project is to reduce the drop-out rate as well as increase the enrollment rate in the formal educational institutes in the project areas. Besides, the project has some more objectives, these are-

§  Learning of basic skill i.e. reading, writing and general mathematic

§  To enable them about the handle different tools and techniques

§  To make them socially and morally active towards and national values and ideas.




World Peace & Cultural Foundation (WPCF)

ouse -74, Road 6 Block C 1st Floor, Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh


House -74, Road 6 Block C 1st Floor, Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh

January 2008

December 2019



Khulna City Corporation, Khulna

& Mongla Upazila, Bagherhat


Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)

Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) is one of the largest safety net programs assisted by the World Food Program (WFP). It is targeted at poor and vulnerable women in Bangladesh. The ultimate goal of the program is to bring sustainable improvement to the lives of ultra-poor households

Department of Women Affairs (DWA)

February 2017

December 2018



Mothbaria Upazila, Pirojpur


Community Action for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policies in Asia, EC-SRHR Project

The goal of this program is to strengthen and empower youth groups and network to advocate for youth participation in SRH programming and policy process, through meaningful participation, knowledge sharing and dialogue with policymakers and implementers, resulting in greater access to comprehensive SRH education and services, especially those from vulnerable and marginalized community

European Commission (EC) and HASAB

February 2012

January 2015



Khulna City Corporation


Program for Research and Intervention for Development, Education, Training & IT

Social awareness is the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures, to understand social and ethical norms for behavior, and to recognize family, school, and community resources and supports. The aim of this is to engage the people in constructive communication with their peers and resolve conflicts when they arise

Piact Bangladesh

July 2016

June 2017



Khulna Division


Wash Project for the Extreme Poor of the Remote Rural Areas

The overall goal of projects is to ensure that in the project areas have accesses to friendly toilets and source of water to sustainable safe water sources and to improve the health and socioeconomic well-being of rural poor through the provision of sustainable safe water, sanitation, and hygiene practices

Society for Peoples Action in Change and Equity (SPACE)

January 2014

December 2016



Dumuria & Batiaghata Upazilas, Khulna


Excluded People’s Right Project (EPRS)

Under this project CWF well addressed the human rights to the disable people in the targeted areas of Khulna City Corporation. Disable people are always excluded and neglected in society and they are most deprived. The project mainly aims to ensure human rights based on principles of dignity, autonomy, equality and respect. Disabled people have the rights to enjoy human rights and can make choices about their life, have the right support to live in dignity and be included in the modern society. Under the actions CWF performed very strategically to establish their rights in the society through taking some shorts of events in collaboration with Government and local institutes that work with excluded people. The project is also supported for social counselling, providing moving materials as per need. Special care was taken for the physically disable and addressed all kinds of health care services during the project life 

World Peace & Cultural Foundation (WPCF)


January 2014

December 2014



Khulna City Corporation (Ward no-18,19,24, 26, 27, 28, 30 & 31)


Arsenic Mitigation: Reaching out to the Extreme Poor of the Remote Rural Areas of Bangladesh

Due to illiteracy, superstitions and lack of proper information in government and non-government level, the arsenic problem is still a serious crisis at certain rural areas of Bangladesh. It is believed by many rural communities that Arsenic poisoning is a curse of nature or a contagious disease. In most cases the affected people and families are so poor that they cannot even afford to acquire adequate medicines or nutritious food. The objective of this project is to improve understanding of the arsenic problem among the extreme poor as well as to as to increase arsenic-free water supply as an alternative of arsenic contaminated water sources. Apart from this, the project’s aim also is to mitigate the health hazards cause by arsenic groundwater through an integrated approach towards awareness, capacity building and preventive measures











World Peace & Cultural Foundation (WPCF)








July 2012

June 2018



Dacope, Paikgasa, Koira, Dumuria, Fultala, Digholia & Rupsha Upazila,  Khulna


Development of Mosque and Islamic Library

The project mainly developed the structure of mosque and mosque adjacent library in rural area where people’s contribution is very low in this regard. The aim of these activities is to provide a good infrastructure so that people can perform their religious activities and can gather right knowledge about Islam

Own Fund

February 2014

December 2015



Mongla Upazila, Bagherhat; Baitiagata Upazila, Khulna; and Motbaria Upazila, Pirozpur


Improvement of waste management in Khulna City, targeting waste pickers

Khulna is the third-largest city in Bangladesh with a population of 1.5 million persons.  The city is growing but the waste pickers are a community who collect remains from the waste dumping zone to recycle and sell it to middleman for very little profit. The objective of the project is to create harmony between the waste pickers and community as well as to develop a model for improved community waste management in City corporation and the Rajbandh waste dumping site


January 2011

December 2015



City Corporation, Khulna


Capacity Development of Climate Displaced Hazard Child

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing many of developing countries and Bangladesh is one of them.  Southern part is most affected region in the country where individuals and communities displaced from their homes and lands as a result of climate change. The aim of the project is to create, enhance and develop the capacity of the children whose families have been displaced especially from southern part of Bangladesh. The project also ensures the social protection and security

Environment Resource Advancement Services (ERAS)

January 2013

December 2015



Khulna City Corporation, Khulna


Awareness Campaign on different Gender Issues

The overall goal of the project is to improve the knowledge, attitude, and skill of women who have deprived continuously from mainstream society. It aims also to promote and encourage a general understanding of gender-related challenges including violence against women, equality and justice through mass campaigns

Own Fund

July 2013

December 2014





9 Upazilas in Khulna district






Resettlement Assistance of Rampal Power Plant Project

To collect information regarding resettlement issue by detailed survey, computerize and process data for identification of eligible persons correctly for resettlement benefits and assess their entitlements following LARAP policy


Action Aid Bangladesh


January 2013

March 2014



Rampal Upazila, Bagerhat


Solar Panel Marketing with Affordable Cost

The main purpose of the project are

i) To identify the range of financial options currently available to customers within the market. ii) To evaluate how to promote financial options to prospective customers for leverage the resources of strategic partners iii) To develop an outreach plan- prominently promote the affordability message in collateral material, public relations and advertising that go beyond the website. iv) To create a strong “affordability” message. – use the website to show monthly payment options for solar technology purchases or leases. v) Work with installers promoting the financing options that are available to their potential customers. vi) Focus on “how to pay for solar.” vii) Hosting special solar financing events/workshops. – Identify target groups such as business associations, municipal and institutional customers, and developers. viii) Educate homeowners and commercial customers. – Work with local utilities to promote the value of solar panel

Own Fund

July 2008






Bagerhat,  Satkhira, Khulna District


Health & Education Program for Dalit & Disable Children

The main purpose of the project is to reduce the drop-out rate and increase the enrollment rate in the formal educational institutes in the project areas. Besides, the project has some more objectives, these are- i) Learning of basic skill i.e. reading, writing and general mathematic; ii) To enable them about the handle different tools and techniques; iii) Keep maintain healthy childhood of the target children

Project UK-Bangladesh

July 2002

June 2008




Education- 480; Health-9360

Batiaghata Upazila, Khulna